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Love Personality Type

Helen Fisher created a personality test to measure the degree to which you express four broad styles of thinking and behaving, each associated with one of four basic brain systems: the dopamine, serotonin, testosterone, and estrogen systems. She calls these four types the:

  • Explorer: those who primarily express the traits linked with the dopamine system.
  • Builder: those who primarily express the traits linked with the serotonin system.
  • Director: those who primarily express the traits linked with the testosterone system.
  • Negotiator: those who primarily express the traits linked with the estrogen system.

We are all a combination of these four trait constellations, but we express some more than others. In fact, it is not unusual to score equally on two (or sometimes three) of these temperament dimensions. Moreover, each of us has a unique combination of overall traits, a unique “personality signature.”

Nevertheless, here we explore the top two trait constellations that you express most regularly and most naturally, what we call your Primary and Secondary types.

Helen initially designed the questionnaire to enable men and women to understand basic aspects of themselves and their romantic partners, as well as who they are most likely to be most attracted to, and their likely compatibility with this soul mate. But you can also use this questionnaire to understand the basic personality style of your employers, colleagues, clients, friends, even parents, children and other kin.

More information on the types:

Explorers express more of the traits linked with the dopamine system. They tend to be curious, creative, spontaneous, energetic, daring, risk-taking, mentally flexible, enthusiastic and independent. They like novelty and adventure; they think outside the box and they inspire. They make good entrepreneurs, artists and entertainers, as well as Charismatic Leaders.

Builders express more of the traits linked with the serotonin system. They tend to be traditional, conventional and cautious (but not scared); they observe social norms. They follow the rules, respect authority, enjoy making plans and schedules, and are conscientious and risk averse. They are concrete and logistical thinkers who focus on the details and the process; they are stabilizers. They make superb managers and soldiers and tend to be Authoritative Leaders.

Directors express more of the traits linked with the testosterone system. These men and women tend to be analytical, logical, direct, decisive, skeptical, tough-minded, emotionally contained, rank oriented and competitive, as well as experimental and excellent at understanding “rule-based systems”—including engineering, math, computers, mechanics, and/or music.

Negotiators express more of the traits in the estrogen system. They are synthetic, holistic, contextual, long term and imaginative thinkers. They are good at reading postures, gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice. And they excel at people skills--being intuitive, insightful, trusting, empathetic and nurturing. They make excellent educators, medical workers and salespeople.

Love Personality Type

Credit to Helen Fisher and her team for the copy of this module and the quiz.