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This is the one stage that you may not experience. Depending on your goals and desired change you may not ever relapse. However, it is a very common occurrence so it is best to be prepared for it. Don't think you have failed if you relapse. Instead, go back to your commitment to change and reaffirm all the rewards you will be receiving by sticking to it. Then focus on what triggered the relapse and make plans to avoid or better cope with those situations. Remember, relapse is not a failure but a part of the process for most change that must occur in your life.

  • Resuming Old Behaviors
  • Frustration
  • Guilt
  • Feeling as if You Failed
  • Re-identify Triggers that Lead to Relapse
  • Go Back and Recognize Barriers to Success
  • Refocus and Recommit to Your Goal with new information
Your Turn:

Can you identify when you were in this stage for the specific situation you thought of earlier? What do you imagine you were you thinking about during this stage?


Relapse is often said to be part of recovery. The severity of the relapse depends upon internal and external factors. Some of the internal factors include how long you continue to engage in the old problem behavior, how aware are you of it happening, and having identified the deep psychological underpinnings of what pulls you back into your old behavior.

This is where coaching with a professional can come in handy. We provide accountability for you to meet your goals and get you out of your own way; as well as provide resources that you may not have otherwise found or known about to make your actions sustainable. At this level, having reminders for self-coaching and another person who has witnessed your growth and change is a key element of lasting change. We could all use a pep talk or reminder of "You've got this!" from an outside source.