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This is the very first stage of the cycle - a stage you generally won't even realize you are in. During this stage of the cycle, you may feel resigned to your current state or you may believe that change will never be possible for you. Often described as being "in denial" because you don't believe that your behavior is the cause of your results and therefore there is no need to even change in the first place. Generally, during this stage, the "problem" is not discussed and may even be ignored entirely depending on the situation. It's not that the problem is being "hidden" - because that is an acknowledgment that there is a problem. It's that there is no consideration that there even is a problem.


  • Denial
  • Ignorance of the Problem
  • Not Currently Considering Change
  • "Ignorance is Bliss"


  • There are no strategies in this stage.
  • The person is likely completely unaware of what needs to change because they are in denial and ignorant of problematic behaviors.

Your Turn:

Can you identify when you were in this stage for the specific situation you thought of earlier? What do you imagine you were you thinking about during this stage?


This is often the stage you can identify for other people that they can't identify for themself. It is a frustrating process to try and make someone see a problem or that something needs changing when they don't see the issue at all. This is often the basis for many fundamental differences in your relationships, friendships, etc. You have an awareness of something the other person does not, yet, or might not, ever.