Rewire Your Relationships

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Rewire Your Relationships

Have you ever wondered why you are the way you are? What makes you like the people you do? Why do you have an easier time feeling certain feelings? Why are you attracted to a certain type of person?

Rewire Your Relationships is an online course designed to help you rewire your subconscious beliefs, understand your childhood's impact on adulthood, help you better understand your personality traits, your personality type, your fundamental beliefs on life, and the lens you view relationships through by using evolutionary psychology, humor and attachment theory. We address unmet needs, subconscious beliefs and your expectations in relationships.

Wonder no more. We explore the root cause with assessments and video lessons by yours truly. This course shaves at least a year off of therapy #worthit

What makes this course unique is the focus is on deep and lasting transformation of your conscious life due to rewiring the subconscious. 

The subconscious mind is the habit mind. We learn habits through life experiences, as well as those that were programmed as instincts. On the other hand, there is the conscious mind. The conscious mind is completely different in its function. It is a creative mind. It is the mind that expresses our wishes, our desires, our aspirations, and what we want from life. You can do all the reading and self-development you want, it won't change you unless you rewire your subconscious.

Total due $500

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